Negotiate Digitally without Ever Arguing with Your Spouse

tel. 202.670.5255

Decide to Divorce

File For Divorce



Divorce is Part of Marriage Progression

Divorce has become a natural part of marriage. Most marriages end up with a divorce. The majority of which don’t need to be painful. In fact, if done collaboratively, the Separation Agreement will set up both for a strong independent future. This is the time and place to discuss all that must be decided on to ensure a smooth transition from “us” to “I”. Divorce is just a legal world for “transforming” the relationship to its new phase – a phase of expanded freedoms and restored agency.

How it works

  1. Create Your Account (each spouse independently).
  2. Respond to the prompts, questions and fields.
  3. Make decisions regarding Equitable Distribution by choosing from drop-down menus.
  4. Include Your Spouse’s Contact Information.
  5. We will Combine Both inputs once received into an initial Separation Agreement draft.
  6. Respond to digitally generated negotiation prompts.
  7. Receive the Updated Draft with Reconciled Issues.
  8. Engage in digital mediation over contentious issues (No real-time or face-to-face communication with spouse needed).
  9. Respond to Second and Last Set of Question to Reconcile remaining Disagreement, if any.
  10. Receive Separation Agreement final draft with suggestions and/or options for your consideration.
    (Finally, review and sign Separation Agreement to file Divorce petition)

How to Create and Manage your
Divorce Digitally Acount

Complete Fields For Your Separation Draft

Receive Your Separation Agreement